Saturday, August 6, 2011

Making Cleaning Cute

If you are like me then you always love to clean.  You wake up first thing in the morning and your very first thought is "Yay!  I get to clean the bathrooms!"  You never get tired of cleaning!  Wait, what?..... you're not like that?  Really?  You don't scrub the floor while singing along with your happy woodland friends?  Weird... because I totally do.  (or maybe not.)

I have found one thing that really helps me in keeping my home clean and organized.  I do a little bit each day instead of trying to do it all in one day.  When I am spending only 20 minutes to an hour each day, depending on the task, I find I do them more thoroughly then when I have a whole long list of tasks to get through.  And having a cute, little chart to keep me organized doesn't hurt either!

 Here is a glimpse of my cleaning schedule for the week.  Somedays it is really quick and easy.  As you can see bathrooms have a day all to themselves, scrubbing toilets is enough for one day.  In case your wondering what sanitize is I take a few Clorox wipes and wipe down every light switch, door knob, remote, etc.  I find this is especially helpful during cold/flu season.  And the quick clean is just that.  I quickly do a wipe down of counters and sinks and straightening up so that the house is prepared for the weekend.   I didn't write on here the things I do every day, like make the bed or do the dishes for example, but you certainly can write it on your own if you'd like. 


  1. What a creative way to stay organized! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a comment. I'm your newest follower:)

  2. I love this little chart!!! Great idea!!

  3. cute! i definitely need something to make cleaning more fun for me! lately i've been avoiding it at all costs! love all your cute stuff bre!

  4. Hi Brie! Thanks for visiting and following my blog...and now I am following yours! I love these little cute cleaning charts. Can't wait to see more of your ideas!


  5. I love this! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! :) That's sweet your name is Brie too! Even spelled the same way - like the cheese :)

    New follower!

    Brie @

  6. Thanks for stopping by my blog! This is so adorable. My Tuesday Confessional link party is still going on if you want to link this up:

  7. This is such a cute cleaning chart!

  8. Brie,
    I agree, doing little bits each day really helps to ease the pain and make cleaning more doable. I love your chart.

    Thanks so much for visting my blog and becoming a follower!


  9. Your cleaning list is way super cuter than mine!!! I really like your printables. Thanks for stopping by my blog, following, and inviting me over to yours. I am definitely following your blog now!!!


    Jacque @ Jacque's Soda Parlor

  10. I love this! Thanks for sharing it with me AND Michelle.

  11. LOVE these!! Perfect for my kids!!!

    I have to know where you got your magnetic board!! I WANT ONE!!! PLEASE tell me :)
    Lisa (

  12. I'm definitely going to use this for myself and my nine year old. I think if she sees that mom has done her chores, she needs to do hers! Thanks!

  13. This would be great laminated and used with a dry-erase marker! Reuse, reuse, reuse!
