Wednesday, August 31, 2011

They need to clean the closet more often.

I'm not really sure if today's WoW Wednesday story falls into the weird, wacky, or wild category so we'll just call it all three.  The one thing I do know, is it probably isn't wonderful.

( I think it's helpful to picture this whole scene taking place in a dark creepy basement full of cobwebs in the corners and one single light bulb swinging overhead.  And it's slightly flickering.  And there is ominous music playing in the background.  Got the image?  Okay let's proceed. )

Imagine it's a new school year and you, the anatomy teacher, are heading down to storage to pull out that old plastic skeleton you use for your lesson demonstrations.  You open the closet door and the skeleton falls out into your arms.  You jump, and then laugh nervously, embarrassed at your own jumpiness.  And then suddenly, you look at the pile in your arms and you notice something...peculiar.  Something strange that you've never noticed before.  This skeleton you are holding is not plastic.  Oh no, it is a real set of human bones.  You've suddenly just discovered an actual skeleton in your closet.  

Okay, so I'm not exactly sure if that is how the scene played out but it sounds pretty exciting doesn't it?  And the anatomy teacher at Totara North School in New Zealand really did find an actual skeleton in storage.  I'd like to think the storage was in a creepy basement.  

So what did they do now that the saying "skeleton in the closet" had gone from proverbial to literal?  They took it to the police of course.  Who said, "Uh...sure we'll take it.  Now what?"
Until the police can decide what to do with it, they are currently storing the skeleton in their own closet.

Now that we are all thinking of skeletons how about some flash cards about what else....anatomy!  Don't worry there are no creepy bones here, just a whole bunch of body cuteness!

Today's WoW Wednesday story comes to us from Dunya News.


  1. I don't know what I like better, the story or the cards. Both are great. I hope I never have that kind of skeleton in my closet.....

  2. These are cute! Love the colors!

  3. WOW, great colors and great story Ÿ Thanks for visiting me over at Pittypat Paperi. I hope you will drop by again sometimes Ü

  4. I love these!! Thank you! Def will have to use them!

    I'm hosting a party tomorrow & would love it if you'd come link up!!


  5. Great printables. My son with autism would benefit from these because he lost his knowledge of body parts after age 2. Pinning you!

    If you have a moment today, please share this with my readers @Creative Juice Thursday. Hope to see you there!

  6. Fun colors! Thanks for linking up

  7. These are so cute! I'm our Primary chorister...I know I can find a way to use them in song review. Thanks!!
