Friday, August 26, 2011

Whatever you call it…

Washroom....lavatory....powder room.... john....restroom....privy....loo....can....commode....water closet... 
I was trying to think of some cutesy name but let's face it.... it's the bathroom.  But just because it is the "business" room of the house doesn't mean it can't be cute and stylish! So why not dress it up with some easy wall art?  

bathroom blue

brush teeth

bubble bath

wash hands girly

 I think the following are cute on their own, but I think they would be reeaaalllly cute framed as a set and hung along one wall.  Just a thought.

orange bath


splish splash



  1. these are TOO cute, esp. the one about brushing all your teeth. hehe.

  2. To add to your kiddoes still stop, listen, and fall to the floor laughing at that Clorox commercial that shows all the toilets and gives the 'names', as you've done. The one that makes them go nuts is "Thunder Box"! Just a little something that I hope gives you a giggle! I still laugh about that one too...isn't 'potty humor' so much fun? Love the prints; thanks for sharing!

  3. I'd like the top one that describes everything one does in the bathroom, but could you add the word "poop" to it? I just think it would be so hilariously shocking to guests who see this tasteful art, and then as they read it the word "poop" is there. Hehehe.

    (Don't worry, I'm kidding. Mostly.)

  4. For you Heather, I would add the word "poop." If anyone can make poop decor classy it would be you!

  5. So cute! I've been looking for art to put in our bathroom, but these match perfectly and I like it even better! Thanks! And I found you at It's a Hodgepodge Life.

  6. Fun fun. I love the bright colors. I did my kids bathroom in bright fun colors too. I made a printable too - Wash, Brush, Floss, Flush - your printables are the best.

  7. These will be so great when i turn our guest bath into a more kid-friendly space...thanks for sharing!

  8. Oh my goodness, these are so cute. I am now inspired to go stop by the store and grab some picture frames and hang all of these in my bathroom!! Thanks for sharing!! :)

  9. CUTE!!!! I so love these! Thanks for sharing:) I found you through Momma's kinda crafty.

  10. Oh these are sooooo cute! I'm going to print off couple of them for the kids bathroom! Thank you so much! (I'm a new follower!)

  11. These are totally cute! LOVE them! Wanted to let you know that I'll be featuring them on my blog on Mon along with other great printables that are floating around in blogland! Thanks Brie

  12. These are great! Thank you!

    And thank you for stopping by A Mother Seeking earlier.

    Happy to be a new follower of you, here....
    Great blog!

    Come visit me again.

    ~ Meredith From A Mother Seeking Come find me on my blog, A Mother Seeking...

  13. Super, super cute! I've been wondering what art would go in our bathrooms, and this is perfect.

  14. I'm new to printables--can you tell me the best/easiest way to print these? Someone told me that you can just put it in microsoft word and adjust, but when I make it bigger it gets blurry. Any help you could give would be appreciated!

    1. If there isn't a PDF link available the easiest way to print is to right click on the image and choose Save As. You can save it to your computer as a JPEG and print it like you would print any other picture. Printing on photo paper will also give you the best results.
