Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Yummy Pumpkin Bread

I thought carving pumpkins was hard work....until I saw these pictures from the Pumpkin Festival in Klaistow Germany.  Over 100,000 pumpkins in 400 varieties were used to make these unique structures. 

 Pretty impressive pumpkins, yes?
Well now with pumpkins on your mind I'm excited to introduce another fun element at Darling Doodles: 


Let me start off by saying....I am NOT a chef by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, I distinctly dislike cooking.  It stresses me out.  The mess, trying to time dishes to all end at the same time, there's math involved in measuring....I feel a panic attack coming on just writing about it.  I DO however, enjoy eating good food.  And I do have to admit that there is a certain satisfaction I get when I pull off a really good meal.  I just don't like the process of getting there. For these reasons I LOVE me some easy, yet yummy recipes.  I like good and simple food, the kind that real people really eat and can make with things they usually have on hand.  I appreciate the creativity that some people have when it comes to food, but let's face it...sometimes the "fancy" food is just code for weird.  

For my first recipe I'm going to share one of my favorite fall treats.  My best friend Tiffany came over to my house a couple of years ago with this recipe in hand.  We made it together, then proceeded to eat way to much. Ah, good food and good friends.  Can life get any better?
I make this several times each fall and usually give it as gifts to the neighbors, co-workers, etc.  It is so easy, and the flavors are perfect for this season.

The ingredients:

Flour, salt, sugar, baking soda, cinnamon, eggs, oil, water, can of pumpkin 

Stir together the dry ingredients.

and then add the eggs, oil, water, and pumpkin.  Make sure to mix it really well, you don't want any little pockets of flour hiding in the mix!  Divide the batter into bread pans.

 I've found this recipe easily makes four loaves.  Yep, four loaves!   Plenty for you to eat and have enough left to give away as well.  If you want too.  It's so good you might want to keep it all for yourself.  Depending on the size of your bread pans bake for 35-45 minutes.  And enjoy the scent wafting through your house.  That step is a must.

It is done when it is golden brown, slightly crispy on the outside and warm and moist on the inside.  Mmmm....delicious.

If you do decide to be extra generous and give some away print out the recipe card and attach with some ribbon for a perfect fall gift.

Do you like the little pumpkin tag as well?  I'm sharing that in a guest post on Friday as part of the Magic of Autumn series at the Ivy Cottage blog.  Be sure to come back to check it out!

Today's WoW Wed story comes from the MSNBC photoblog. 

I'm linking up here: Lady Behind the Curtain, Tip Junkie, Someday Crafts, Love Laugh and Craft


  1. Thanks for sharing this recipe and that adorable tag. I am going to try this recipe soon. Don't you just love the fall???? Thanks for stopping by Mom On Timeout. I really love your site and am following you now. I love your flashcards too - so cute! I have a 5 year old and a 2 year old so those are quite timely :)

  2. Love this- plus the free printable- you're awesome!! Thanks for linking up to Things I've Done Thursday. Pinning this too!


  3. Yummy! I'm so ready for fall and everything delicious that comes with it.

  4. Those pumpkin festival photos are so cool! Your bread sounds amazing - and pretty easy! That's my kind of recipe. Thanks for sharing, I'll definitely be making this!

  5. I will certainly try this - we make pumpkin chocolate chip muffins but a different recipe would be fun to try - and you're right about the smell, just so yummy
