Friday, May 18, 2012

Tray Chic!

 Work with what you've got.  Even if what you've got is a little tray that no one wanted to take home at the end of a white elephant Christmas party.  Seriously let's just call them what they are.  "Get rid of the junk in your closet parties."  One of my friends was lucky enough to unwrap this beauty of a tray.  We unwrapped crutches. Yay.

Anyway... my friend didn't want an errand to the thrift store so she gave the tray to me.  It sat around for a few months until I had some time to deal with good ol' Santa.  I started with a spray paint primer to cover up those dark colors.  I actually felt kind of bad covering up the tray that I'm sure someone had lovingly painted many years ago...but then I got over it and primed away.

 Once it was dry I took it inside since I wasn't spray painting anymore and just painted it on my kitchen table.   I used some white paint that I had left over from another project and gave it 2 coats.

The last step was to Modge Podge some black and white paper onto the bottom of the tray.  I have a feeling even Santa wouldn't mind this makeover.

Yup.  Much better.  And the cost: free!



  1. Wow! What a difference.

  2. Just lovely! I got a set of 3 burnished metallic gold trays for my wedding 10 years ago and rarely pull them out because they just don't go with anything... I must remember to make them over and use them as chic decor!

  3. Of course you would create something spectacular!!! I love it-and miss you!!

  4. one woman's junk is another woman's treasure :)
