Friday, August 10, 2012

The Big Move

The time has finally come.  After months and months of working on a new website it is actually going to happen.  This weekend Darling Doodles is becoming a dot-com.  *Squeal!* 

This has really been a labor of love (and frustration, stress, and sometimes panic) but I think it will all be worth it!  I think that moving this blog from Blogger to Wordpress is really the next step and will help this blog continue to grow.  So why am I telling you all now instead of just surprising you with a leap into the new site?  Well during my research about Wordpress I talked to lots of people and read lots of stories and while the majority of people who switched from Blogger to Wordpress did so without any major incident...some people weren't so lucky.  I talked to a few people who in making the switch lost all of their email subscribers and followers.  I think (I know) I would cry if that were to happen to me!  I'm certainly not anticipating any problems but just in case I thought I would give everyone a heads up.   If everything goes smoothly than everyone who is currently subscribed to this blog will still receive their emails in their inbox.  If you go to the old site it should automatically direct you to the new one.  If all goes smoothly you shouldn't notice anything different at all except a new look.  BUT, just in case there is some kind of glitch I wanted you all to know that there will be new posts up Monday, Wednesday, and Friday next week at the new blog- Darling Doodles Design.  If you find yourself suddenly not receiving emails from me then you might have to reenter your email address at the new site.  I don't want to be an inconvenience to anyone but since my readers are THE reason I'm able to do this blog I would hate to lose a single one of you!

There is still a few things I'm putting into place on the new site so if you head over there now it won't be ready quite  yet.  By Monday everything should be good to go and then I can't wait to share it all with you!

And I just have to take the time to say a HUGE thank you to my sweet husband for being so amazing and patient in helping me make the move.  He understands computers so much better than I do and there is no way I could do this without his help.   He really has been fantastic and I'm so thankful for his help.  THANK YOU SAM!

Have a great weekend everyone and I'll see you all on Monday!



  1. So proud of you! Love the new site! Love you too!

  2. Good Luck with the move....Excited for the new site!

  3. Oh good, just your blog. I thought you were MOVING moving. That would be terrible!
