Friday, March 9, 2012

I would love to email back but...

I am following in the footsteps of some other bloggers and asking, no I'm begging, for there to be no more  I adore each and every comment I get on this blog and I WANT to respond to each and every comment too! For example a couple of weeks ago a woman named Kim left the sweetest comment wishing us luck on our adoption journey.  She was so positive and encouraging and I really wanted to email her and tell her how much we appreciate it.  But I have no way to contact her!  Also sometimes people ask me questions and I WANT  to answer.  But alas, many times when I go to email them and answer their questions I see this:

And that makes me sad!    Because that means I have no idea what your email address is and I have no way to get in touch with you.  So if you've ever asked a question, or left a comment and not heard back then YOU might be a noreply-comment blogger.  How do you know if you are one of these no-reply comment people?  It's pretty easy.

If you're on blogger you most likely have an account that you use when you read blogs.  So first you'll want to log onto your account profile and look for the little orange rectangle that says Edit Profile.

And right there near the top should be a box next to Show My Email Address.  If it is not checked, I can't respond to you!  Check it!

If you don't have a blogger account then when you post your comment take a look at this little box:
With the drop down menu you can choose different accounts like wordpress or google which you can comment from.   If none of these options work for you then at least include your email with your question or email me directly. ( 

If this post didn't apply to you, sorry!  But if you have ever asked a question and not heard back I hope this may offer an explanation.  Here's to a lot more responses!  Hopefully!



  1. Thanks for the information. Who Knew! I love all that you do and appreciate the time it must take for you to put together these amazing ideas!

  2. Thanks for the information. I wasn't sure about my settings so I had to make a quick check. I'm your newest follower, I loved your guest post on "A Pumpkin & A Princess".

  3. I just seen the guest post over on "A Pumpkin & A Princess" LOVE it! They are SO cute! :) Anywho.. I was a no reply blogger and didn't even know it. I don't think a lot of us newbies do! This post is sure to help some ladies out. :) Have a great weekend Brieanna!

  4. Thanks for letting me know! I hadn't even realized this! I "think" I've fixed it but it's hard to tell because I'm using Google+ which is still confusing for me.
