Friday, April 13, 2012

Forgotten Chicken


This is my all time favorite, number one, first choice, bestest, loveliest, most deliciousliest meal. It's so good I had to make up adjectives for it. :)  No exaggeration, this is MY personal favorite meal.  Growing up this was the meal that I requested for every birthday, or actually any day when my mom asked my opinion on dinner.   And I'm pretty sure she was okay with it since it consists of five ingredients and takes about 5 minutes to put together.  (six if you count water.) It is certainly not fancy or exotic (and I'm aware that this isn't the most healthy meal) but just plain good ol' comfort food and warm yummy goodness.  I will say that if you are looking for that super-pow recipe that hits you with all its flavors and knocks your taste buds unconscious...this is not it.  I mean come on, it has five ingredients.  But if you want a big dish of simple, good home cooking then give this a try.  I personally think it is the best.

Forgotten Chicken

The ingredients:
Boneless skinless chicken breasts, minute rice, 1 pkg. onion soup mix, can of cream of chicken soup, can of cream of celery soup, water.

Mix together "cream of" soups, 1 can of water, and 2 cups of minute rice (uncooked.)  Pour into a buttered casserole dish.

Lay chicken breasts on top of rice mixture and sprinkle onion soup mix on top. Cover with tin foil. Don't forget that important step!
(My dad hates onions so a lot of the time my mom would just mix the onion soup in with the rice.  I guess out of sight, out of mind?  Either way works.)

Here is where the name Forgotten Chicken comes in.  Once you have it in the casserole dish you can put it in the oven and forget it!  My mom would always put it in on a low temp. (around 250-275) before we left for church and when we got home three hours later it would be ready.  Or you can cook it at 350-375 (depending on your oven) for one to one and a half hours.   It is hard to mess up so if you forget it is in there don't worry, it is probably still okay!

The rice on the outside edges should be slightly browned and crispy and the rice on the inside soft and moist.  Serve with a side salad and a nice big slice of bread and you have yourself one tasty meal.  It's my favorite!  (in case I haven't mentioned that enough times in this post.)



  1. Yes, I forgot about this chicken too! I made it all the time when my kids were I make cookies. Maybe I'll have to throw in a little chicken now and then! Thanks for the reminder of a great recipe! :)

    1. Cookies for dinner? You are awesome!!

    2. I am sure to try this awesome recipe can't wait .

  2. Yum! I bet my daughter would love this!

  3. I would love to try this one. I got to

  4. Can't wait to try this! Maybe I'll even buy fresh chicken instead of frozen! ;)

  5. Where's the cute recipe card? ; )

    I'm excited to try this! - Thank you!!

  6. Sounds delicious and easy. definetly it's worth trying

  7. Sounds perfect!! As a working mom and dad, we are always looking for the simple, especially on weekdays!! Sounds delicious, too!!!

  8. I've never had this before but I'm excited to have it on our menu this next week. Thanks for sharing. I'm always on the hunt for new recipes. ...simple ones at that! :d

  9. This sounds really good, do you think it could be made in the crock pot? If so, how would you go about doing it?

    1. here is the crockpot version of this recipe

    2. That's not the same recipe at all!!

    3. It looks similar, with a homemade version of canned 'cream of' soups. :-) and a mushroom/celery switch out.

    4. I bet if you just threw it all in the crockpot the same way, and cooked it on low for 3-4 hrs you would be golden.

    5. Are there any other recipes for working mom

  10. Just put this in the oven. Sooo easy. Can't wait for dinner.

  11. This would certainly be better for you with less salt but I'll give it try anyway.
    I just put it in my electric pressure cooker on stew. I'll let you know how it comes out, it should be done shortly :)

    1. It turned out quite well in the pressure cooker so I'd imagine it will work well in a crock pot also :)

    2. I'm glad it turned out. I've never tried cooking in a pressure cooker, any tips for a beginner?

    3. I love my electric pressure cooker! I make anything that usually goes in the crockpot in it.

  12. I'm going to try this in my slow cooker

    1. That's how I'd like to do it too. How did it turn out and how long did you cook it for?

  13. tried this tonight but instead of cream of celery i used cream of mushroom and a can of mushrooms. very good thanks

  14. you can probably use garlic and herb lipion mix instead. sounds yummy will have to try this but i'll probably use my crock pot.

    1. Making this tonight and sprinkled about half of the onion soup mix on top of the rice and half of a garlic herb mix on top of the chicken :)

  15. This was one of my husbands favorite receipes he brought home from his mission. We serve it all the time at our house. It is a perfect Sunday meal. Thanks for sharing it!!

  16. I usually just use one can of soup, and 2 cups water. Comes out a bit thicker. The onion soup is easily replaced with pretty much any kind of seasoning you like, and I often top with shredded cheese. It's quick and easily modified for variety. Thanks for posting!

  17. This works with pork chops too!

    1. Yes it does!!! For many years I have cooked this dish- used a can of cr of chic & cr of celery & a can of cr of mushroom (4 children & 2 grands who lived with us was a crowd for meals) plus the onion soup x 2 with lots of chops. Did same thing with chicken & sometimes tenderized round steak though chicken cut up by me in special way was the favorite ( & less expensive). Now that I am alone, I still cook this but scale it down using only cr of celery & cr of mushroom & the onion soup x 2 sprinkled over perhaps half of a chicken or chicken breasts. Always used regular rice- tastes so much better to me ( & less expensive).

  18. three hours at church???

    1. Coffee & rolls at 9:00 - Sunday School at 9:30 - Worship Service from 10:30-11:45 - visit with friends after the service ... so glad I don't attend a one hour church

    2. my family goes for three hours, one hour everyone together, one hour for Sunday school, Divide up the adults from the kids and then one hour with just us is what I look forward to ALL week.

  19. When I made this I added a can of rotel tomatoes..We like a little more heat in our food. Was awesome!!!

  20. Very tasty and I used the crock pot and cooked it for 3 hours. Fab!

    1. Must be Hi! I don't think it would cook in 3 hours on low!

  21. Does it matter how long u go to church? Just as long as you go to worship!

    1. I agree. I don't think God minds if you're only there for an hour!

    2. I don't think God minds if you don't go to church at all. Better to be a good, kind person every day than to be someone concerned about getting in enough church time. :)

    3. Being a good kind person ain't gonna get you into heaven and God does mind if you go to church to be with people who worship Him is good is His eyes. But back to the chicken dinner, this is a good backup dinner when you got to feed a family that doesn't take a lot of fuss to pull together.I am proud of the people that spend the three hours at church if that helps them serve the Lord.

    4. Yes, Anonymous (25th July), because you know god personally and he's told you that, right? (Note sarcasm, just in case you missed it.)

    5. You're all weird. Church- ugh

    6. Okay, okay.... let's just talk about chicken here! Friendly voices everyone! :)

    7. (July 25th) God doesn't mind if we go to church or not! He is everywhere so we can pray anywhere. Maybe u should try and open a dictionary and find the word "ain't" :) so don't throw stones when u live in a glass house! It AINT right

    8. 10 commandments. Learn them, then speak!

  22. Looks good but talk about sodium overload!!

    1. Not as bad if you use the healthier low sodium varieties of the cream soups

    2. Its all about a balance. If you're worried about your sodium intake than just limit the amount you eat the rest of the day or the day after. There are also lots of recipes for "cream of" substitutes.

  23. I usually make this with 1 cup regular uncooked rice and 2 cups of water. I even cook it the same amount of time - 1.5 hours. If I don't have any onion mix, I crumble three beef buillion cubes on top.

    1. This is what I was wondering about...I'd like to use regular brown rice, do you think that would work? Or better to just make the chicken and throw the rice in the rice cooker?

    2. You answered my question. My husband won't eat minute rice.

    3. ThAnks. I wondered about regular rice. After living in Japan for a couple of years my hubby won't touch minute rice! I might try both ways Abby.

  24. I think adding broccoli and cheese would almost make it a complete meal. YUM!

    1. That's how I make mine! I use a small jar of cheese whiz, or about a cup of shredded cheddar. I use fresh chopped broccoli as well. I haven't made this in awhile, so I think it will be on the menu next week!

  25. This is my kind of recipe! Can't wait to try!!

  26. My mom would make it with regular rice (not minute rice) 1 can of soup and 1 1/2 cups chicken broth. And I had sort of forgotten about this chicken too. I have some chicken ready and think this is dinner tomorrow

  27. Do you think I can replace the rice with a pasta? I can't eat rice but I was wondering if I could maybe try penne noodles or linguine noodles??

    1. My mom made this a lot when I was growing up. I am about a million years old and back in the day Primary was on Wednesday's after school. She was always Primary president wherever we lived (my day was a Marine) and she would frequently serve this on Wednesdays, putting it in the oven before she left for Primary. That's why even for my kids, this is called "Primary Day Chicken". She cooked the chicken and sauce separate from the rice. That makes a very lovely sauce. I prefer to use Golden Mushroom soup because I love the color and the mushrooms. So don't worry about the rice. Bake the chicken and serve whatever you like with it. It is yummy with baked potatoes, too.

    2. Try Orzo pasta.

  28. Going to try this tonight...looks and sounds good

  29. We're Baptist and we leave home around 8am & get back around 12:30-1... love our Sunday mornings....
    This should work just fine on low in the crockpot and can probably skip the water since there's condensation buildup constantly... the two cans of soup should be enough liquid... will try this week... probably use fresh chicken tenders rather than breasts.

    1. Our Sunday morning are one of my favorite times of the week as well. Don't they just refresh you for the rest of the upcoming week?

    2. Absolutely...makes for peace in a chaotic world. Sets the pace for me.

    3. Agreed!! And once your home from such a wonderful service the last thing you want to do is try to rush and find something to feed the family. I'd rather be spending time with mine instead of in the kitchen!! Wonderful recipe for us moms who get our worship on....or whatever else a mom may go and do on Sunday....why do people have to be so negative all the time?? God Bless You!

  30. this is an old campbell soup recipe with added variation. good, quick easy recipe.

  31. Would it work with some kind of pasta instead of rice?

  32. Charlotte StanleyMay 27, 2012 at 4:59 PM

    sounds easy and good. will have to try this chicken recipe..

  33. I usually use my sun oven on Sundays while we are at church and this recipe would work perfectly. I just set it out on the south facing porch and aim it to where the sun will be about halfway through the 3 hours (so I don't have to move it with the sun like you would with baking bread)...I've never had things be anything but perfect doing it this way. Thanks for sharing such an easy recipe.
    ps: OT, above there was a question about the length of church. 3 hours are split between 3 different meetings so you don't get too antsy sitting in one spot..1st hour women and men meet separately and have a gospel lesson (children and youth meet in their own classes, 2nd hour for Sunday School where we study and learn the principles, and truths taught in the scriptures. The 3rd hour we all meet back together in families as a congregation and listen to speakers and partake of the sacrament. In some places, well really in most places, this order is reversed. Sorry to get off topic, just thought I'd clarify the reason for the 3 hours. You can go here for more info

    1. Oooo what is a Sun Oven?? I have never heard of that but being a semi-adventurous cook I'd love to try it.

    2. Jamie,
      A Sun Oven is a contraption that uses solar energy to cook food. You can see the one I have at You can get them from the company directly or any of the many dealers, (I am one) or you can even get them on Amazon. They are a great preparedness item because if you have sun, you can cook, even in the winter. It doesn't have to be warm outside, just sunny. You can then use your other fuel, like propane or butane on days that are cloudy when your sun oven wouldn't work. There are several different brands but this is the one I like the best. Happy (Solar) cooking!

  34. Totally trying this one! Thanks for sharing!

  35. I make this:

    Classic Pork Chop & Rice Bake

    4 boneless pork chops, 3/4" to 1" thick
    cooking oil
    ground black pepper
    1 small onion, thinly sliced into rings
    1 can cream of mushroom soup (low sodium, plain, or with roasted garlic)
    3/4 cup water
    1/2 cup dry white wine
    3/4 cup uncooked long grain white rice (not converted)
    4 oz sliced mushrooms
    1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
    1/4 tsp dried thyme, crushed
    2 tbsp snipped fresh parsley

    1. Preheat oven to 375F. In a skillet, brown chops in hot oil over medium heat, turning once (4-5 minutes). Remove chops from skillet, reserving drippings, sprinkle chops with pepper, set aside.
    2. In the same skillet, cook the onions and mushrooms in the drippings over medium heat until tender, set aside. In a large bowl stir together the soup, wine, and water, then stir in the rice, Worcestershire sauce, and thyme. Spoon mixture into a 3 quart baking dish, top with chops, then spoon cooked onion & mushrooms over the top. Cover with lid or foil.
    3. Bake, covered, in the preheated oven for 35-40 minutes, or until rice is done and internal temperature of chops registers 160F on an instant read thermometer. Let stand, covered, for 10 minutes before sprinkling with parsley and serving. Makes 4 servings.


    1. I generally use Slap Ya Mama Cajun seasoning on the chops, or Chef Paul's Pork & Veal Magic Seasoning.
    2. I pretty much always use low sodium cream of mushroom soup, and I add garlic to the pan when the onions and mushrooms are about done.
    3. I usually mix the onions and mushrooms into the rice mixture.
    4. I always double the recipe and use a 13x9" pan.
    5. This could easily be done with browned ground beef or chicken breasts. If I were going to use ground beef, I'd sub beef broth or stock for the water in the recipe and probably red wine for the white.
    6. When you check the rice to see if it's done, check under a chop toward the middle of the pan, as that will likely be the last place it gets done.
    7. If you don't like mushrooms, you could easily leave them out and sub another type of cream of X soup for the cream of mushroom (cream of celery?).

  36. I have made this but with spaghetti sauce, not soup.

  37. Would this be just as good frozen and reheated? I'm trying to find some freezer meals for when I'm home alone with a new baby and a preschooler.

    1. Yes, I make stuff like this or the freezer all the time. Rice doesn't do as well in the freezer so maybe make the chicken without the rice and then make fresh rice when reheating the chicken.

    2. It doesnt do well in the freezer if you've already baked it but it does freeze nicely if you don't. I usually prepare one or two extras for my Gram. Because a full recipe is too much for does just fine but you bake it a bit longer from frozen

  38. This sounds good! I off to see if I have all of the ingredients to make this tonight. Thanks for sharing!
    P.S. I found this recipe on Pinterest

  39. Does the chicken need to be covered or uncovered while it's cooking?

  40. My mom used to make something like this as well, but she used Cream of Mushroom soup! So yummy!

  41. Thanks for the quick & easy as we call it at ours...... As for the sodium concerns still a bunch less than prepared or fast food meals!

  42. If I used the low fat versions of the soups and brown rice would that make this more diabetic friendly? My husband is type 1 diabetic (recently switched from type 2 to type 1). Just curious.

    1. I'm afraid I don't know and I'm hesitant to comment on anything medical. I have made it with brown rice before and the taste is slightly different but still just as good. Sorry I can't be more help!

  43. I still make this all the time. But to make it "healthier" I put a bag of frozen mixed veggies on top of the rice mixture, but under the chicken. Or just add broccoli. yum!!

  44. I make this but my grandmother called it 'No-Peek Chicken' because you cover it with foil and leave it alone in the oven for so long. It's always a hit in my house!

  45. What if you just do four chicken breast? Can the recipe still stay the same?

    1. Yes the recipe stays the same. You'll just have more rice than chicken but the rice is my favorite part anyway!

  46. what size casserole dish? 9x9 or 9x13

  47. Do you have directions on doing this with regular rice instead of minute rice?

    1. I've never tried it with regular rice so I'm not sure. I'm a quick, minute rice kind of gal!

  48. Can the chicken be frozen or does it need to be thawed?

    1. I would thaw it just to make sure it is fully cooked.

  49. My 15 year old is making this for dinner tonight. Can't wait to try it! :)

  50. Can you use boneless skinless chicken tenderloins instead of breasts. I was just curious because I already have some in the freezer??

    1. Yes you definitely can. I often use tenderloins as well.

  51. Any one attempted this in a crockpot instead of an oven??

  52. That's exactly like my favorite dish, only different. I use frozen thighs, and cut up carrots and potatoes instead of rice, although that sounds yummy. I do not cover it, but it can be "forgotten" except it gets to smelling so good you don't. Sometimes throw in some cauliflower or brocolli towards the end. LOVE IT.

  53. I make a version of this in my crock pot. A couple cans of soup in with the chicken and let it cook (low for 6-8 hrs, high for 3-4). Close to when it's almost done I make a pot of rice. Put rice in a bowl, add a piece of the chicken and spoon some soup mixture over it, cut the chicken up and mix it all together. Delish! I do the same thing with pork chops. Even used mashed potatoes once and that was good as well. No reason why pasta couldn't be used either.

  54. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but it turned out HORRIBLE. The rice was a nasty, gloppy mess and the chicken was flavorless. It was like the rice only absorbed the water and it was sitting it cream soup. I had to throw it out. :(

    1. I wonder what you did wrong, maybe you didn't cover it with foil or something? I don't know but I made it on Sunday and it was SO GOOD! My husband loved it so much he even asked for it to be on our menu next week as well.

  55. I should have added that I did put the onion soup mix on the chicken and baked it at 375 for 1 1/2 hrs.

  56. I make this exact recipe, but in the crock pot. Yummy.

    1. Do you put everything in all at once layered, like you would in the baking dish? I want to do this in the crockpot but would like to hear from someone who has done it before. I am assuming you put the chicken on top of everything just like you would in the baking dish. Also how long did you cook it in the crock pot? Thank you

  57. do you think if i added bacon wrapped around the chicken, i could still bake it the same? i found a somewhat similar recipe with bacon wrapped chicken & it calls for it to be baked for about 4 hrs... ? let me know please :)

    1. I bet it would. I say go for it and see what happens!

  58. Can this be done with brown rice instead?

  59. I'm making this tonight, but I'm out of chicken breasts, so I'm going to use pork loin chops.

  60. Found this on Pinterest!

    My grandmother and mom mafe a similar dish and we called it Chicken & Rice and Everything Nice. Not sure why??? It was my fave dinner as a kid. My mom will make it for me when she visits. I'm making this tonight for my boys (son and hubs), but I'll be using cream of mushroom instead of the cream of celery. I already had a can in my pantry and I like it better.

  61. Ok, for those of you switching out the cream of celery for cream of mushroom... Are you still also using the 1 can cream of chicken? Thx!

    1. I use one chicken and one mushroom because I never have the celery kind on hand. Super yummy!

  62. Totally making this for our anniversary!!! Using orzo instead of rice, because I have a TON of it on hand (never used it EVER so not sure why) Hope it turns out good!!!

  63. I have it in the crockpot exactly like you said so my fingers are crossed!

  64. A good recipe should tell you to cover with foil or cook uncovered.

    1. Then this must be a good recipe since it says "Lay chicken breasts on top of rice mixture and sprinkle onion soup mix on top. Cover with tin foil." Right? :)

  65. I found this recipe on Pinterest and it uses the same "cream of" soups as another family favorite so my 7 year old daughter and I are trying's in the over as I type. She mixed the soups, water, onion mix and rice while I just did the chicken. She loves to help in the kitchen and this recipe was a great one for her to use and make her own dish from. We can't wait to try it, thanks!

  66. I pinned this last week and just made it today and left it to cook while we were at church. The house smelled so good when we came home. We loved this and the rice was my kids favorite part. I have to say I really liked the rice too. Told my friend about this at church and now since I have made it and enjoyed it I will have to tell her to come to your site and get the recipe. Thanks for sharing it.

  67. Wish there was a link to just be able to print the recipe and not everyone's comments.

    1. Copy the text you want and paste into a Word document or even Publisher. Takes a little time but saves paper and ink!

  68. Wish there was a link to just be able to print the recipe and not everyone's comments.

    1. I think I will have to work on creating a printable for this recipe. When I posted it I had no idea it would become the most popular post on this blog. Who knew? :)

  69. I twisted this recipe. I didn't have cream of celery, but I did have cream it was cream cheese and cream of mushroom. But no onion. So I used mcKormick's rosemary chicken roast spices instead. Still a hit! I might have to see how else I can tweak it and still get tasty results!

  70. I forgot to put foil on top... Dinner is pretty much ruined... Chicken is crunchy and most of the rice is too! DON'T forget the FOIL!

    1. Yes that is an important step. You need the foil, hopefully you'll give it another shot sometime!

  71. I just made this for my family of 5, soon to be six, and we all loved it. Even my 2 year old devoured what I had served her! Thank you for posting this!

  72. Do you still have to put foil over this in the crock pot? Or is just the lid good enough?? Thanks!

  73. Just wondering how all the crockpot versions worked out? I am going to try this with boneless skinless chicken thighs.. (and 2 cans of cream of chicken soup - we are not celery or mushroom fans)

  74. We made this just a teeeeeny bit healthier by using minute brown rice and the heart healthy versions of cream of soups! Not much of a cut back but every little bit helps! :)

  75. I make something very similar that everyone loves. I add cheese though and use cream of mushroom as the 2nd soup instead of cream of celery! One of my most favorite meals, will have to give this one a try!

  76. I'll have to try this for dinner sometime this week. I can't cook to save my life but this seems easy enough, even for me :)

  77. 50 + year old recipe! I knew this recipe looked familiar! I make it all the time from a 1960 cookbook titled, 'Cooking With Love' Is that too cute or what?

    Recipe as follows:
    1 can celery soup
    1 can mushroom soup
    1 soup can milk (meaning fill the empty soup can with milk)
    1 cup of rice (I use instant)
    6 to 8 pieces fryer chicken (I use chicken tenders)

    Mix soups, milk and rice in a large bowl:
    Put rice and soup mix in a 9 X 13 baking dish.
    Lay chicken pieces on top of rice (not touching). Shake onion soup mix so it will be evenly mixed. Sprinkle over top of chicken pieces. Cover with foil and bake in 325 degree oven for 1 and 3/4 hours.

    1. How funny! I wonder if this is the original inspiration for this recipe? I would love to see that cookbook, I bet it has a lot of treasures inside!

  78. I'm wondering if this would work with Wild long grain rice rather than white or brown rice?

  79. Wonderful idea! I need help with my cooking for Sundays. It ends up being too involved but this recipe is perfect and looks good. Cannot wait to try!!

  80. My family does not like rice. I wonder if it would work with wide egg noodles instead made in the crockpot.

  81. Just now ate this and we loved it my kids are picky eaters and they loved loved loved it thanks for sharing

  82. Can this be made without the minute rice and use just plain white rice instead?

    1. I think you can definitely give it a try, I've noticed in the comments that lots of people are doing variations on this recipe. So I say go for it!

  83. This has become a big hit in our house. The first time I made it, I forgot to buy chicken at the store so I used boneless pork chops I had at home. It was yummy and that's how I've made it ever since.

  84. My family doesn't like celery, what can you relace the cream of celery with?

  85. Just finished eating this, yes eating. We made this today after finding it on Pinterest this afternoon. I can't believe how easy and inexpensive this meal was to feed our family. We are family of 8 I doubled the recipe and cooked it the one to two hours. Everybody loved this and it is now nicely written down and put into our recipe box of our favorite we will eat again meals.

    Thank you.

  86. I've never had it with the Lipton Soup nor with Pork I'll try it this week...Thanks for the info!

  87. I plan on making this Sunday night. What temp is this supposed to cook @ in the oven & for how long? Thank you.

    1. You obviously didn't read what she wrote. She posted directions right up there.

  88. Sorry to be a pain but someone asked if you still needed the tin foil if you make it in the crock pot and I would really love to know the answer as I would like to give this a go, albeit tweaked a little to suit my family.

    1. If you are doing it in the crock pot I would guess you don't need the tin foil. It's just a guess though!

  89. I just made this. Its really delicious! My husband loved it...and I do not really this did it for me!!! I will make this again...and again...Thank you for posting!

  90. I've made this a few times but I used the Cheese and Broccoli Rice mix. It is all good. There are so many varieties you could do with this. Thank you for posting.

  91. Another variation:
    Mix 2 cans Cream of chicken, mushroom or celery soups with 1 can Rotel Tomatoes with Chilies with the rice
    Then place chicken on top (I used thighs & small breasts)
    Cover with foil

  92. First time I made this, the rice wasn't cooked at all. Did I need more liquid or should I have just cooked it longer? I did the 350 for an hour and a half. Oh and I didn't use Minute Rice...just regular. Does that make a difference?

    1. I'm sure it makes a difference to use regular rice. I have never used it for this recipe before personally, so I'm not sure how much more water you would need.

  93. I make this with chopped green chili sprinkled over the chicken (boneless, skinless breasts). I use a couple of tsp. of onion flakes instead of onion soup mix. It's great!

  94. Made this! So simple, cheap, and delicious! Since my family loves the combination of white and dark meat, we used boneless skinless chicken breasts, and thighs. Kept in the over for 3.5 hours at 250º. Simply wonderful, and will be added to the rotation! Thank you for the lovely recipe!

  95. I have made a recipe like this for years, using long grain white rice which you saute with chopped onion in some butter until slightly brown. Add this to your buttered 8 x 13 dish. Lay your raw chicken pieces seasoned with your choice, (paprika, pepper,etc)on top. Then top with your choice of soup, Cr of Celery, Mushroom, or what ever you like and about 3 cups chicken broth. Cover with foil and bake slow for several hours, or turn up heat and bake 350 for about 1 1/2 hours. Take foil off the last 15 minutes to slightly brown chicken. This is an old standard chicken/rice dish that is always good with a vegetable and/or green salad. Yes it does have a lot of sodium,,,so those folks might want to use reduced sodium broth, and soups to cut down on the salt.

  96. Making this right now but using cream of mushroom and garlic soup and added some mushrooms in.....will let you know how it turns out.

  97. Has anyone made this ahead of time and put in the fridge only to pull it out later to cook it? Any idea if this would be ok to do?

    1. have never done this but not sure if it's a good idea, since the rice would sit in the fridge and absorb the liquid and then have nothing to cook itself in? Maybe? I don't know but that's what I would think.

  98. This was my favorite as a child also! My kids hate onions so I just put the onion soup mix (dry) in a mesh strainer and shake all the dry seasoning through and leave the onions out. You still get the flavor but not the negative comments.

  99. One of my kids made a recipe booklet with their class. In it was a recipe for "No Peekin' Chicken". Guess what? Same recipe, same ingredients, same great dinner idea and loved by all except dad

  100. - I am 54 years old, and my mom made this when I was a kid, and as I grew up. I have been making it for my family since I was first married 33 years ago. It is my favorite meal too! We make it just a tiny bit different. We use 1 cup of regular white rice, not instant. we use 1 can of cream of chicken soup and add a can of mushrooms too.The onion soup mix and 3 cups of water. It comes out creamy and delicious.

  101. Made this tonight but didnt like the onion soup mix on top of the chicken. Is there anything else that could be put on top instead for flavor? Loved that the chicken was so moist!

  102. Made this tonight but didnt like the onion soup mix on top of the chicken. Is there anything else that could be put on top instead for flavor? Loved that the chicken was so moist!

  103. Made this tonight for dinner and my husband I both loved it! I followed your recipe exact cooked it at 375 for one hour. This is a keeper! Thanks for sharing!

  104. It's in the oven now! Can't wait to try it!!

    1. Very yummy however a bit dry. Cooked it at 350 for 1.5 hrs. Next time will cook it at 350 for one hour. Will def make again.

  105. We make something similar...our version of Cordon Bleu. Stuff chicken breasts with sliced ham and swiss cheese, insert toothpicks to hold together, then roll in flour. I sometimes brown the chicken at this point, but this is not necessary. Mix one can cream of chicken, one can cream of mushroom, and one can french onion. Pour over chicken and bake at 350 for an hour or so. I love to serve over mashed potatoes, because the gravy is scrumptious! I have also served over rice or egg noodles. Yum!

  106. We make something similar...our version of Cordon Bleu. Stuff chicken breasts with sliced ham and swiss cheese, insert toothpicks to hold together, then roll in flour. I sometimes brown the chicken at this point, but this is not necessary. Mix one can cream of chicken, one can cream of mushroom, and one can french onion. Pour over chicken and bake at 350 for an hour or so. I love to serve over mashed potatoes, because the gravy is scrumptious! I have also served over rice or egg noodles. Yum!

  107. I made mine in crock pot last night my kids love it i threw in bag rice mixed with mushroom soup,cream chicken and some brown gravey and onion mix to taste it worked all the same and my family loves it

  108. Just made this for lunch for my family! A total hit! Will definitely be making this again!

  109. I made this for my family tonight. It was a hit! :)
    I used frozen chicken breasts. Also I used cream of
    mushroom in place of cream of celery and I left out the rice and the can of water. I cooked it at 375 for two hours.. It turned out great! Thanks for sharing this recipe. It's always nice to find new recipes that are fast and everyone likes. :)

  110. Made this for supper. Followed directions but this was horrible. Looked terrible and tasted awful. I was so excited about it too :(

  111. Making this today, but in a crock pot. Hopefully, it will turn out the same.

  112. Making this today, but in a crock pot. Hopefully, it will turn out the same.

  113. Just made this today! Amazing. It was also the first time I didn't have to make a hot dog or nugget for my 3 and 4 year old. They LOVED it! Thank you!

  114. Made this for dinner. We loved it. Yummmy. Thank you so much. The chicken was so moist and the rice perfect...

  115. A new family favorite!!! So easy-a life saver!!! Thank you

  116. Sprinkle a little soy sauce on it when you've plated it. Extra yummy. I grew up on this stuff.

  117. Made this tonight and we loved it! Thanks for sharing it!

  118. Sounds good, but we don't like minute rice type rice...could we just use regular rice? (our family prefers jasmine even in these type of dishes...)

  119. If
    I would like to try this with broccoli do u add it at the end or will broccoli be okay mixed in with everything else and cooked the entire time?

    1. I put broccoli on at same Tims as everything else. Cooks just fine

  120. Doea it matter on the size of casserole dish?

  121. I never tried it with the chicken or rice but I have tried it with sliced up potatoes n lay the pork chops on top of the potatoes with the soups n baked it :) now I'm gonna have to try the chicken n rice:)

  122. Replies
    1. I will add that I cooked it on 250 for 4 hours and I used a smaller casserole dish so my chicken was soaked in the rice mix. The chicken was so tender it was falling apart and the rice was extra soft. This is my husbands favorite meal now ;)

  123. Made this 2 weeks ago and we loved it. So easy and delicious. Making again tonight.

  124. My family loves this only we mix the soups and rice with broccoli.. Delicious!

  125. Can I use regular rice? I don't have the minute made kind.

  126. would be nice to know this like how many this serves and what size baking dish you use.
