Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer Days in New York City

Brace yourselves.  This post is going to have picture overload because when you are talking about a place as wonderful as New York City you come away with a million pictures.  A few weeks ago Sam and I headed over to the big apple for our 6th anniversary and I fell in love with the city even more than before, if it is possible.   There is a beat to that place that you can feel.  The streets are alive and never more so than on a warm summer day.

One of my favorite things about NYC is how you can go from soaring skyscrapers and millions of lights to hidden little gems just around the corner that are bursting with charm and character.  Like the delicious little Italian restaurant Mercato in Hell's Kitchen.

This tiny place had amazing food, a very rustic and romantic atmosphere, and the kindest staff.  We loved it.

We stayed at the New Yorker Hotel and I just have to take a moment to talk about how fabulous this hotel was. 

This art deco jewel is truly a historic landmark in New York.  It was built in 1929 and experienced its heyday during the 30's and 40's.  The largest hotel in NYC at that time has since hosted just about everyone from politicians to celebrities, royalty and business moguls, to those who just want a taste of the city.

 The staff was very friendly and attentive and they were so kind to even give us a complimentary upgrade.  The rooms, a little small (it is New York City after all) were clean and cozy but the upgrade completely came though with this view.

Could you get a better view of the concrete jungle than this one from 38 floors up?  The Empire State Building, the Chrysler Building, and the gorgeous city skyline.  And at night it took our breath away.

The BEST part of the trip for me was going to see the Lion King on Broadway.  AMAZING in every way possible.   The music, the costumes, and the incredible talent of the performers blew me away.

Seeing a show on Broadway was actually a little extra special for me as it allowed me to check something off of my bucket list.  I have always wanted to see a Broadway play and it lived up to my expectations!

The other days we just spent walking around and exploring without any set itinerary or destination in mind.  We strolled through Central Park...

visited the 9/11 Memorial which was sobering, beautiful, and touching...

discovered the New York Library which has the most stunning architecture and stone work.  This 100 year old building may be one of my new favorites in the city.

These arches and the large brass lights?  To die for.


We met up with a good friend who lives there and indulged in the huge variety of cuisines available, hit some of the big tourist spots like Rockefeller plaza...

and St. Patrick's Cathedral...

and so many more beautiful locations in the city.  It is one of my favorite places to visit and was the perfect place to spend our anniversary.  How about you?  Have you been?  What are your "must see's" in the city?



  1. Love the pictures! Looks like you had a great time. If ever I want to do New York City right looks like I need you for my tour guide :)

  2. I LOVE New York City but unfortunately we only got to spend one day there which absolutely does not do that city justice. We went to Ellis Island and that was really neat to see. I think my favorite is Times Square. I absolutely love the energy there.

  3. Going to NYC is on my bucket list! I LOVE dreaming of my future trip! ;)

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    Enjoy and congratulations,
