Monday, August 22, 2011

Easy-Peasy Cute Tags

Thank you, thank you to everyone who participated in the MiaMoo giveaway!  I had so much fun and I honestly wish I could send a necklace to every single person!  But since I only have one to give, the winner is...
 #5 Stephanie!  Congratulations!  I will be in touch with you soon!

Let's get on to today's post then, shall we?

I heart organizing.  And labeling.  I'm one of those weird people who gets a strange kick out of sorting things into categories and then sticking a label on it.  One of the best places to label is in a kid's room.  Let's face it, kids come with a lot of stuff.  And bins and baskets are cute, but what if you can't see what's inside of them?  An easy label will make it much easier for dad everyone to know where things belong and retrieve items or clean up faster.  And if you can make them look cute while you're at it?  Added bonus.
The tags are cute on their own but if you want to personalize them just a little bit you can always glue them onto a large circle of any color like I did.  Hole punch the top and tie with some cute ribbon.

Pin It

*Tip* If brown doesn't work with your color scheme then just change the setting on your printer to print in gray-scale.  I tried it with the boy set and had some adorable black tags!

Boy Tags:

Girl's Tags:


  1. Oh! These are so cute : )

    We have the same bins and I am pulling them out and peeking inside to find the right one!

    I've got to follow so I can check out all your cool stuff!

  2. Super cute tags! I'll bet your mother is proud of you for being organized.

  3. Thanks so much for your sweet comments on my blog! Your blog is so cute! Love these tags. New follower, as well!


  4. Great tags - I love to be organized too but it somehow the three little people I live with don't always see my way.

  5. What a cute printable. Perfect for small children.

  6. Following you back!!!

  7. So very sweet and cute. I linked to you from Made by You Monday. Thanks

  8. So cute tags and such happy colors on your blog.
    Makes me smile.
