Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Dandy Doodle- I love you because...

Time for another Dandy Doodle where I share the fabulous ideas I find searching through Blog Land.

Amy from One Artsy Mama made this adorable "I love you because..." frame.  By using a dry erase marker on the glass you can change the message as often as you would like.  I can see this working for children and/or spouses.  My college roommates and I had a board where we left each other notes, we would have loved something like this too! 

Easy to customize with different frames, papers, and photos.  Love it!

Thanks for the great inspiration Amy! Be sure to check out One Artsy Mama for lots of other great ideas!


  1. Been on vacation. Lot of blog catching up to do. Love the new gift ideas and fall decor. Thanks for the Dandy Doodle tip. I would never have thought of it!

  2. Love the frame...Great idea!

  3. Thanks so much for the feature! :) I'm grabbing a button for my sidebar. Have a great day!

