Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Homemade Ice Cream

The other day when we were at the store my husband really wanted to get the ingredients for some homemade ice cream.   I looked at him like he was crazy...doesn't he know its fall?  Didn't he notice the sweater and scarf I was wearing or the bouquets of autumn leaves all over the house?   Doesn't he know that homemade ice cream is totally a summer treat?  And yes he knew all the above.  But he didn't care.  He wanted ice cream anyway, and it is his favorite food so how could I say no?  And once we made it I was reminded again of how delicious this recipe is.  So I decided to share it, even if you have to wrap up in a blanket while eating it!

You will need:

Frozen or fresh fruit, milk, salt, sugar, whipping cream, half n' half, sweetened condensed milk, instant pudding mix, vanilla, and almond extract.

Mix the ingredients together and let the machine do it's thing.

All done!  Yum!

Our favorite flavor is strawberry but any kind of frozen fruit flavors would be delicious.

Printable Recipe:


  1. cream! I used to have an ice cream recipe made with pudding which we loved but lost it. Thanks for this one. Can't wait to try it.

  2. Actually the cicada ice cream was a huge hit. They sold out within a half an hour or so. I don't believe the cicadas were caught in their backyard... the news report made it sound like they were quite particular in which bugs they used and which parts. Personally I wouldn't eat it ....Ew.

  3. A half hour? Some people are braver than I am! Or just really, really like their ice cream.

  4. I am so excited about this recipe! I was just telling a coworker about how my grandmother used to make homemade vanilla icecream with pudding mix, but had forgotten the recipe. Thanks so much!

  5. What size ICECREAM maker for this recipe? Thanks
