Thursday, September 22, 2011

Printable BOO Banner

* BOO! *

Did I scare you?  Make you  jump off your seat?  No? Well maybe this Halloween decoration will.  I finished off my fall bookcase by adding this BOO banner across the top.

(No I am not 7 feet tall.  And neither do I have a teeny tiny bookcase with really low ceilings.  I stood on my coffee table to take this picture.)

After I created the images I opened them in Word and sized them to 5 x 7.  Then I printed them on photo paper.  It really will give you the best quality.

After cutting them out I glued the pieces onto some black card-stock just to give them a frame and make them a little thicker.  Then I attached the pieces to some ribbon using brads.

Some cute flower rosettes in the corners and done!
It was really easy and hardly took any time at all.  And it turned out so cute too!

Want to make your own?  Download the images below!


  1. Love the banner. Going to get some photopaper and make one.

  2. Adorable! I just love the bright orange!! :)

  3. Thanks for stopping by my blog. Yours is adorable. I love these printables. They're so cute!

  4. Great banner, thanks so much! I will be linking back to you when I use it for our party!

    the joys of home educating

  5. With your permission, I would love to link this to my blog when I do Halloween printables! I'm now following you and would love for you to check out my blog and follow! Thanks! Kim

  6. Thanks for following my blog! I'm excited to have my first "non-family who has to read my blog and never really subscribes" official follower!!

  7. Love it! What a cute idea. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Thanks for linking up to last weeks party. You have been featured today! Stop by and grab a featured button.

    Hope to see you back for the next Delightfully Inspiring Thursday Party.


  9. This is great! I love the cute and not scary side of Halloween, so this is right up my alley :)

  10. This is so cute! Thanks for stopping by our little blog; I love yours! I need to make that Oreo popcorn ASAP!
