Friday, December 9, 2011

12 Days of Gift-mas- Day #7

Before we get to Gift Idea #7, you might notice something a little blog design!  Yay, isn't it cute?!  I am so excited to finally have a custom blog design.  Seven Thirty Three designed the blog and she was amazing to work with.  So fast and perfectly willing to deal with all my nit-picking. I'm a happy customer.
So now what do you guys think?  I'd really love to hear your thoughts on the new design.  Leave a comment and let me know.

And now...back to business!

Today's guest post is from Keri who is a contributing author to the blog Desire to Create.  But what makes her even cooler is that we're related.  I come from a pretty big family so we're like second cousins once or twice removed or something like that.  Either way, her craft idea is adorable so enjoy!

When Brie asked me to be a guest blogger I was very thrilled! And a little nervous...because I have never been a guest before on any blog.

I love to craft anything and everything and so when Brie asked me to do this post I decided to show you what I made for my nieces for Christmas this year. My sister just older than me has three beautiful little girls and I chose to make them feathered headbands.
This gift is very inexpensive but very fun for young girls! Everything I used to make these headbands I purchased at Wal-mart and Dollar Tree. You will need a glue gun, headbands, feathers (color of your choosing!), glitter glue (optional), bracelet charms/pearls/pendants (something to tie it all together!) and also tulle (also optional).
I have three very different headbands to give different options of looks to create.
I first glued all the feathers on the headband. They can be stacked to create different looks and it may be easier to glue the feathers on a button first and then glue the button on the headband. I tried both and while the button was easier I got a different look when I tried gluing the feathers directly on the headbands.

After I glued feathers on all the headbands, I chose a charm that I wanted in the center of my feathers. All the charms I used I got at Wal-mart. They had a very good selection in the jewelry supply section. I also used glass beads on one of the headbands to give a little more sparkle.

On this pink one I put a little bunched up tulle and used the glass beads as a center.

I also used glitter glue all long the headband on the pink headband. It took about 8 hours for the headband to completely dry.

Lastly I used silver glitter glue to touch up the headbands here and there to give it a little extra glitter (all little girls can use a little extra glitter).
It was a simple but fun project and also very inexpensive. I plan to make one for myself after the holidays when I get my hair cut into a pixie cut again!
The headbands can range to very simple and plain to complex and extravagant. Many craft stores carry a range of fun feathers if you want to get very bold and sassy with your designs.
I want to send a big thanks to Brie for including me on her blog! Happy holidays everyone!

Fashion-tastic and homemade.  Great gift idea Keri, thanks!


  1. How cute. What little girl wouldn't love the glamor and the bling!

  2. Great gift idea and easy too! I like that.

  3. So cute! I need to make some now for my girls!

  4. Ack! I haven't been getting your emails again! Not since Day #2... Hoping you can perform some behind-the-scenes email subscription voodoo again!
