Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Twas two days before Christmas, and all through my house
so much to be done has me scurrying like a mouse.
The house needs to be cleaned thoroughly with care
for my family that soon will be staying there.

Presents need to be wrapped and placed under the tree,
last minute packages delivered and the final load of laundry.
There are sugar plums and other goodies to bake
and loving and precious memories to make.

And a moment or two of this holiday season
needs to be set aside to reflect on the real Reason.
When long ago Christ came with a humble birth
and a message of peace and goodwill on earth.

So from my house to yours, good friends old and new,
I want to say thanks to everyone of you.
And also enjoy each carol, snowflake, and twinkling light
and a Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!