Tuesday, December 20, 2011

My favorite hot chocolate

December in Massachusetts means one thing: lots of hot chocolate.  Well, actually it means more than that, but for the purpose of this post, it means hot chocolate.  And not just any hot chocolate.  The creamiest, most delicious, my favoritest hot chocolate. 

A note before I share the recipe, it makes a lot.  Like seriously, A LOT!  You'll need a big bowl to hold it all and mix it in.

 I don't know if you can really tell how big this bowl is.  It is an 8 qt bowl.... that's 2 gallons of the mix!

You make this mix once and you will have enough to last you through the entire winter.  My mom always made this at the beginning of winter and for the next several months we had perfect hot chocolate anytime we wanted it.   So make it and stock up, you won't be sorry!

Oh my.  The melting whip cream, sprinkle of cinnamon.  Oh. My.
Printable recipe card:

You can download the card in a PDF.  Looking for a last minute, super fast Christmas gift?  Put some of the mix in a mason jar, attach one of the 2 cards in the PDF and plop a bow on top.  Done.

Writing this post makes me want a nice hot cup right now.  I'll think I will go make some!

*Edit* Someone asked me about the exact measurements of the ingredients.  I totally meant to take a picture of everything before I made the mix but I failed.  So thanks to Google images I've found basically what I used.  This recipe is really fool proof.  If you like it a little creamier add more of the creamer. A little bit more chocolatey, add in more chocolate drink mix.  It is hard to mess this up.  We like it on the chocolate side in our house so sometimes we buy two of the drink mixes and add one and a half containers.   One more time...its hard to mess this up!


  1. Yum! I love hot chocolate, I'll give this a try!

  2. Followed a link from Pinterest and ended up here.....and I've died and gone to heaven. SO MUCH INSPIRATION I may never do laundry again.

    At least I've got an excuse now.

    your newest follower,


  3. It surely looks like a cup of yummy!! I'll have to give it a shot for sure.

  4. Mm, mm, mmmm, looks and sounds fabulous! We lurve hot chocolate here so I will def have to try this.
    Question: I'm not sure if we have boxes of powdered sugar here... What size/weight is it so that I can substitute the equivalent? Size/weight might be a good idea for the creamer and chocolate powder, as well.
    Thanks, Brie!

  5. I have been following you for a while now and did not connect you are in MA! We have been doing our fair share of Hot Cocoa drinking over here in Cape Ann too!

  6. This looks amazing! I am actually having a holiday link-up for different recipes and decorating ideas and I'd love for you to join! http://www.ourtableforseven.com/2011/12/mini-melt-away-cookies.html

    Merry Christmas!! :-)

  7. Holy Crap Brie! Your blog just took off! I love it! Simply Fabulous! Love the new design too!

  8. This sounds sinful! Thanks for sharing? LOL Sounds delish and I'll definitely have to make this!

  9. Greetings from Southern California.

    I am your newest follower.

    Take care and have a gr8 day :-)

  10. I have ironically been looking for a recipe like this. In my head you just made this richer. I adore the idea about powdered creamer. You could make it different every batch! The cost of box mix even with coupons is for the birds! Many thanks!

  11. Oh my ... I'm in chocolate heaven! Printing out the recipe card thank you for sharing!

  12. This sounds really great! I love the idea, even just for the winter season, give it to a friend just because you care... What a nice surprise it would be. I would also add mini chocolate morsels on top of the whip cream for the extra chocoate.

  13. Hi there!! I just saw this on Pinterest and have a silly question. How much of the mix would you use for one mug of cocoa? :)


  14. Looks really yummy and chocolate-y! This is the perfect hot chocolate drink I might taste.
