Thursday, January 5, 2012

My Memories Giveaway

*Giveaway Closed*

I just want to give you all a heads up in case I'm slow to respond to emails or comments over the next few days.  Sam and I are flying to AZ today for his little brother's wedding!  Yay!  We didn't get to see his family for Christmas so we are excited to spend a few days with them (in warm weather) and celebrate during this special occasion.   But I do have something exciting to share with you today!

A couple of months ago I started looking around at some digital scrapbook software.  I love to scrapbook and preserve all the millions of pictures I take but let's be can take a lot of time and money and even space to keep all those supplies.  Those are just some of the reasons I was looking for a good digital scrapbook software and after doing some research I found the one I wanted to buy.  My Memories was rated #1 on so many different websites and it had a lot of positive reviews.  I even told my mom about it and how much I wanted to try it!

Well imagine how completely excited I was when I was contacted by My Memories asking me if I wanted to try out their software!  Absolutely I did! Just as expected I found it really easy and quick.  The papers and embellishments are adorable and the possibilities are endless.  You can build your own pages or choose from lots of pre-made kits that really make it simple.  Another thing I've really enjoyed is all the Freebies offered on their website.  Yep, lots of things for free!  Check out these cute pages I made with one of those free kits.


These literally took 5 minutes to make thanks to the already made kits. But it doesn't just stop with scrapbooking.  I also used the software to make a January Newsletter to send out to the ladies in my church.  I just have a few more things to write/edit on the letter and then it will be ready to send out! 
There are so many cute things you can do!  Especially if you're lucky enough to win a FREE copy of the program!  Yep, My Memories is giving away the latest version of their software to one lucky Darling Doodles reader. 

There are 3 different ways you can enter. Please leave a separate comment for each entry.
  • Be a follower of Darling Doodles
  • Visit My Memories and then come back telling me what your favorite paper pack is
  • Like Darling Doodles on Facebook
The giveaway winner will be announced on Tuesday January 10th.  Good luck!



  1. I love scrapbooking and to have a way to make it easy and cute both....sounds great! Plus a free give away :)

  2. Wow! So many great designs and beautiful papers its hard to pick just one. I love the Christmas Chic kit.

  3. I like Darling Doodles on Facebook

  4. I"m a follower of Darling Doodles and very much look forward to the emails

  5. I would pick the Magical Memories 2 pack. We head to Disney on January 28th so I think that would be a great way to remember the trip.

  6. So far my favorite pack is the Spring Fairies.

  7. Giveaway....yipee! I am a follower

  8. I love the colors in 4 Seasons Fall.

  9. I love the penguin! He is so cute! I am thinking of getting some software and making my next scrapbook a digital one, since i just completed a book last week and can't find a new book that matches all my others!

  10. I'm a follower of darling Doodles
    bfcourage at yahoo dot com

  11. I love to scrapbook not much time lately BOO

  12. I like on facebook Darling Doodles

  13. I'm a follower! I'd love to get into digital scrapbooking. :)

  14. I'm a follower aka stalker! lol I also subscribed to email!

  15. I liked Darling Doodles on facebook!

  16. I really like the Vintage Farm pack on the My Memories site! I could get tons of stuff done with that!
    Also just want to say that I love your newsletter! I wish someone in our Branch would do one as cute! I think when you hand something out that's as well planned and cute to boot, the sister's are less apt to throw it away! It WILL make it to the fridge and the activities will have better attendance! :)

  17. I'm a follower! Love getting email updates!!

  18. My favorite pack so far is the Time4Traditions Pack - love that you can personalize it to your own family's holiday traditions, not the ones that the big box stores want you to use. Would love to use a digital scrapbook program for all the family pix I have!!

  19. And I didn't even know you were on Facebook but now I've LIKED you! Would LOVE you if I could! Thanks so much for posting all of your great ideas and thanks for sending me the Extra notes - I used them for all of the volunteers on Christmas Eve at church!

  20. I am a follower (and subscribe by email.)

    laura at letiecq dot org

  21. My favorite paper pack of My Memories was the Little baby boy because I am having a little baby boy in about 2 weeks! :)

  22. I just liked Darling Doodles on facebook too! :)
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  23. I'm a follower!!

  24. I follow you on facebook.

  25. My favorite paper pack is Zoobilee Zoo!! I have tons of zoo pics that need to be scrapbooked as the zoo is one of our favorite places to visit! :)

  26. I follow you and you are linked on my blog!

  27. My favorite one so far is the Abby Quick Pages Combo. Love all the warm colors! I would love to get into digital scrapbooking. I'm so far behind in my regular scrapbook, so I think having it digital would be so easy!

  28. I had already been following you via email!! =)

  29. I liked you on Facebook also!! =)

  30. At the moment I would say the ColorFIX Sweet Lilac Pack. My oldest daughter is getting married in August and purple is her color, it would be perfect for all those pictures that will be taken. =)

  31. My favorite pack (although I have no idea how I would use it) is the "You Are A Gem - January" pack.

  32. Been a follower for quite some time now. : ) Love love love this blog!!!

  33. I love the teaching for love kit.

  34. I like Darling Doodles on Facebook.

  35. I like the Time4Traditions pack. Thanks so much.

  36. I love the Frosty pack! So wintery! I love the colors! Thanks for sharing this website with us!

  37. I am a follower of Darling Doodles!

  38. I like Darling Doodles on Facebook.

  39. Hi, I am a follower. A new one at that. I found you on pinterest. :-)

  40. I did a visit to My Memories. What great stuff. Beautiful Dreamer was ONE of my very favorites. Thanks for telling me about this place. :-)

  41. My favorite paper has to be the 'Endless Love' combo. I have recently gotten married (yay!) and I have been looking for a way to save all our memories. This would be perfect!

  42. I follow your blog.

  43. I like "Darling Doodles" on Facebook.

  44. I follow you now and you are linked on my blog!

  45. I like the Snow Buddies Combo kit. I follow you and liked your facebook page!

  46. i'm a follower and I love your blog and have also been looking for a way to do digital scrapbooking so this is PERFECT!

  47. I'm a blog your creative ideas! And, I'd love to try digital scrapbooking :)

  48. I'm a follower, I like you on Facebook and... "favorite kit" are you kidding, how do you choose, LOL! How about anything Christmas!!!! Like maybe "Looks Like Christmas"!!! Love you blog!
