Monday, June 18, 2012

Patriotic Paper Decorations

I love decorating with hurricane jars.  With hurricane jars you can easily change a look simply by changing the inside.  However, one of my hurricanes is really large so filling it can be a challenge and can get pretty expensive..  So for the Fourth of July I got a little creative with the fillings and just used paper.  It was cheap and easy!

I started with red, white, and blue paper and cut it into strips.  I didn't measure or worry about the strips being the same size.  In fact I think the end result looks a little more interesting with different size strips.


Then all I did was create lots of paper curls by wrapping each strip around a pencil.  I don't think it can get much easier.  Photo credits go to my husband. :)

I layered the curls in the jar and with just a few sheets of paper I was able to fill up the entire jar.

And here is how it looks on the sofa table.  This is the first thing you see from the entry way and right when you walk into our house.  It didn't take a lot of effort or time to set up this little patriotic display and I just love seeing it every time I walk in.

My husband built this little unit for me a few months ago, isn't he wonderful?  I love the extra storage and decorating space it provides.  It definitely helps having a husband who loves woodworking and actually gets excited when I say "Honey, I have a project!"  Any excuse to play with his power tools! 
